Chip & Pin

Chip & Pin

Countertop, Portable, GPRS

We are chip and pin experts. Not only can we help reduce your processing fees, we simplify the whole process.

We can choose from 6 providers, the largest choice in the UK

Eliminate non PCI charges, eliminate authorisation fees, eliminate minimum monthly service charges.

We use the latest technology available. Broadband capability reduces the need and cost for extra phone lines and increases speed and customer service with 24 hour breakdown turnaround. With GPRS you can take payments on the go! Choose a roaming sim that ensures connectivity across the UK.

New WI-FI terminals deliver increased connectivity, never miss a payment again.

Contact us and let us help you save up to 40% on your processing fees.

Why switch with us?

Newer, Faster and more compliant terminals – We provide terminals to businesses of all shapes and sizes. Our consultants advise on best terminal solution from static, bluetooth, WI-FI and roaming GPRS.

IP/Broadband technology – Typically most machines are connected to a phone line causing them to be slow, our machines run over broadband, making them quicker and saving money on unneeded dedicated lines. Latest GPRS Technology also available.

Excellent customer service – Through our UK only call centres.